
The Learning Communities for Peace project aimed to address the rise of incidents of conflict in school settings as a consequence of changing European realities.
It was conceived as a European project involving different partners working alongside each other in different realities sharing the same overall goal: improving relationships and bolstering togetherness within school communities in a participatory way. To achieve the overall project goal, we sought to shift the trend away from thinking in terms of universal, pan-European solutions and acknowledge the uniqueness of each and every school context.
Instead of offering universal solutions, we chose to support an open-ended process with the school community leading the way, building on the wisdom present in the (school) community. It meant that the overall goal was redefined locally to correspond to the lived reality in each setting.
In doing so, we also wanted to examine our assumptions, understand whether and under which circumstances this way of working is feasible, realistic and efficient, how it relates to the teaching/learning processes and what is transferable.
The project was launched in November 2016, with the first partners’ meeting in Sweden and lasted until 31 of August 2019. The operational work, steered by 5 primary schools in Croatia, Greece, Sweden, and the UK in close collaboration with the partners, formed the core of the project. This phase, which lasted a school year on average, has also been monitored by researchers from the University of Cambridge.
This website offers an overview of the Action Research that was undertaken in four countries and publishes the Impact Evaluation of LCP activities. It also shares tools and suggests resources that can be of use to teachers and other community actors seeking to develop their own Learning Community for Peace.